March 16, 2020

Update – Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code
It has been some time since our last update on the much anticipated Low Rise Medium Housing Code (The Code’). Recent comments on Friday, 13 March 2020 by the NSW Planning Minister, Rob Stokes, suggest the deferral for the remaining 45 deferred councils will conclude on 1 July 2020.
The temporary deferral of the Code was originally granted to these deferred councils to complete their strategic planning, update their LEPs, identify and map areas of special local character. Camden, Central Coast, Georges River, Campbelltown, Randwick, Sutherland and Lane Cove councils have already had their planning proposals approved by the NSW Planning Department. However, there are still two dozen councils who have not presented a planning proposal to the department for consideration, despite 21 months after the Code commenced on 6 July 2018.
ArkExpress along with the Australian Institute of Architects strongly support an increase in housing supply and diversity that the Code seeks to provide. We believe well-designed low rise medium density developments such as manor houses, dual occupancies (duplexes) and terraces that respect the local character of existing communities and streetscapes, have good built form and scale, as well as provide good amenity for both residents an neighbours is important to the success of the Code.
If you want to understand just how you may benefit from a more efficient and time saving approval process under this Code or to discuss a development opportunity under this Code, please get in touch with us.
For more information: