July 1, 2020

The Low Rise Housing Diversity Code applies to all councils in NSW – 1 July 2020
As of today, 1 July 2020, the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code (Code) – formerly called the Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code – is now operating in all local government areas across NSW. The Code have been in place since 6 July 2018 however, a number of temporary deferrals were granted to some councils to complete their strategic planning and update their LEPs but this all ends on 1 July 2020.
The Code allows for well-designed dual occupancies, terraces and manor houses (up to two storeys in height) to be carried out under a fast track complying development approval. In response to recommendations of the Independent Review of the Code in 2019 and stakeholder feedback, minor amendments to the Code were made on 1 July 2020. The amendments to the Code have been made to clarify the intent and operation of the Code as well as provide certainty for councils, developers and the community.
Changes include:
- Renaming the Low Rise Medium Density Code to the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code to better reflect the diverse housing types contained in the Code
- Providing an opportunity for councils to better target the Code’s application by allowing councils to set a minimum lot size for Manor Houses and Terraces in LEPs
- Ensuring the Code does not apply to unsewered land
- Tracking the uptake of the Code via the Planning Portal from 1 July 2020

If you wish to discuss a development opportunity under this Code, please get in touch with us.
For more information: