April 19, 2023

Changes coming soon for Class 3 and 9c buildings…
When the NSW Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (DBP) and Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (RAB) laws came into effect in 2020 they only applied to Class 2 buildings (being residential apartment buildings).
From 3 July 2023, the DBP and RAB Acts will be expanded to include the construction of new Class 3 and 9c buildings. Alteration or renovation work for existing buildings in these classes will come into effect on 1 July 2024. There are a series of exceptions (which require careful consideration) for construction work commenced or designs prepared before 3 July 2023.
The NSW Government’s expansion of the DBP and RAB Acts is a continuation of its commitment to restore public confidence in the building and construction industry.
What types of buildings are affected?
- Class 3 Buildings include residential buildings such as group homes, boarding houses, guest houses or hostels (that are larger than the limits of a Class 1b building) that provide either short- or long-term accommodation to unrelated people. It also includes ‘care-type’ facilities such as accommodation for children, elderly or people with a disability (that are not Class 9 buildings).
- Class 9c Buildings include residential care buildings where 10% or more of the persons who reside there need physical assistance in conducting daily activities and to evacuate in an emergency. This includes aged care facilities.
Our Director and Principal Architect, Hy Chheng, is already registered as a Principal Design Practitioner and Design Practitioner under the DBP Act so ArkExpress will continue to be able to make compliance declarations for Class 3 and 9c buildings in the same way as for Class 2 buildings.
For more information on how ArkExpress can assist you with your project or business, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.